Poster Sessions

Two poster sessions will be held on Monday (June 17) and Tuesday (June 18) for 5:30~7:30pm for participants to present their exciting research and interact with others. A few poster winners will be selected for a 15-min invited talk (optional) on the last day of the conference. 

Each presenter will have a space 8′ (width) x 4′ (height) poster board for their poster.  Posters numbered 1-50 will be in the Old Well Wing, and Posters numbered 51-100 will be in the Chancellor's Ballroom (see the hotel map and poster maps below)

Monday Poster Session: M1 - M50 (Old Well Wing),    M51 - M100 (Chancellor's Ballroom)
Tuesday Poster Session: T1 - T50 (Old Well Wing),    T51 - T100 (Chancellor's Ballroom)

You can bring your poster to the meeting in the morning and store it in the Chancellor's Ballroom until the Poster Session starts. Please label your poster container with your name so it doesn't get misplaced. 

The poster setup period is between 5:00 - 5:30 pm, and the poster session formally starts at 5:30 pm. 

If you use PhD Posters ( to print your poster, "UNC Heath Sciences Library" is the closest pick-up point (8 min walk). ACTC2024 is not responsible for the pick-up or arranging the printing. 

Please see the attached PDF agenda documents for the poster titles.    Please let us know of any questions via


Poster Indexes for Monday session (M-1 ~ M-100) and Tuesday session (T-1 ~ T-100)

ACTC_Poster_Agenda_Monday (1).pdf
ACTC_Poster_Agenda_Tuesday (1).pdf

Poster Prize Sponsors

Louise Pariser